Audit Partner
About Laoual MAI AMADOU
Audit Partner at audit department of KMC, Laoual has a Master 2 in Accounting, Control and Audit and a Master 2 in Law Economics Management, Mention International Management, Specialty International Affairs. He joined the KMC team in June 2006 and has a thirteen (13) years of professional experience in the accounting and auditing job. His accounting, finance and auditing skills have enabled him to carry out several missions of particularly complexity in the insurance, microfinance, banking and industrial sectors. He has also supervised several audit missions for projects financed by International Donors (World Bank, Islamic Development Bank, West African Development Bank, European Union, International Fund for the Development of Agriculture, Danish Cooperation). , Swiss Cooperation, French Development Agency, …).

EmailServices and specializations
Areas of expertise
- Financial Audit of Development Projects and Cooperation Offices
- Internal Control System Design (ICS)
- Design and update of procedures manual
- Financial evaluation and analysis
- Reforming accounting systems
- Risk Management, Risk Mapping
- Internal audit assistance
- Outsourcing (outsourcing)
- Assistance to the preparation of financial statements
- Accounting and financial support
- Rehabilitation and supervision of accounting
- Budgets, financing plans, dashboards
- Support for business creation
Qualifications and memberships
- Master 2 in Economics Management, International Management, Specialization in International Business, awarded by Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University
- CPA, New York
- Master 2 in Accounting, Control and Audit (CAMES accredited), ISIG Ouagadougou
- Advanced diploma in accounting and finance, ICM, Dorset (UK)
- Diploma in Accounting and Finance, ICM, Dorset (UK)
- Member of the National Association of Chartered Accountants and Chartered Accountants
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