Projet d’Appui au Développement Local du Programme Kandadji (PADL K)



Title of the mission:

Accounting and financial audit of the accounts for the fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 of the Project (PADL K).

Project description:

Implemented by the Government of Niger in view of the construction of the Kandadji dam in anticipation of changes to the major natural but also economic and social balances created by this dam in the Kandadji watersheds, the Project of Support Local Development PADL CNE 1126, for a period of 5 years, is part of the P_KRESMIN PDL aiming as a global objective the socio-economic development of the municipalities and territories concerned by the construction of the kandadji dam while putting a particular emphasis on the development of services to mobile breeders in 11 municipalities in the region of Tillabéry and the provision of new pastoral works to 15 municipalities in the Zinder region.

The Local Development Support Project aimed at creating favorable environmental conditions for a profitable and sustainable rural socio-economic activity through the regeneration of ecosystems, the protection and the management of the natural resources of the watersheds of Kandadji revolves around five components:

  • Component 1: Land Improvements
  • Component 2: Priority Investments
  • Component 3: Securing pastoral systems in the Zinder region
  • Component 4: Prevention of new health risks
  • Component 5: Project Management

Description of the services actually rendered by our staff as part of the mission:

  • Internal control
  • Account Control
  • Control of DRF and DPD
  • Audit of Special Accounts and Certified Statements of Expenditures
  • Controlling the conformity of procurement with the financing agreement and national legislation


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